(CD spine, cover, fold-out, CD top, CD play-side images, 10" cover front/back, cover opening, vinyl inner label A/B)
The Drums From Mount Eerie CD/10"
-Recorded by "Phil Elvrum with some cowbell & tambourine playing by Adam Forkner"*
*No recording info other than that is listed, (and this is only on the inner label of the vinyl version, the CD merely lists their two names and nothing else) but, considering that these are merely the drum tracks from the "Mount Eerie" LP I am assuming the info corresponds to that of the LP: Recorded at Dub Narcotic in Olympia, WA. between Nov. 21st 2001 and June 10th 2002.
-The CD and 10" both have unique cover art. It appears to be a painting or a line drawing, but with no credit for who executed it. The 10" art, front and back, is a block print, but, again, no credit for who did it. Same story with the art on the CD itself and the vinyl inner labels. Though the vinyl labels look like the usual Phil handwriting to me.
(I have just been informed [thank you edfuller at MEPS] that there is an alternate version of the 10" cover, one that is printed in gold ink instead of black. The black version has the front in black ink and the back in gold ink [see pics above] I am assuming that this is the same gold that is used on the back of the black ink version. The only pictures I've been able to locate of this alternate pressing are here, sent to me by the amazing Evan. It's hard to really tell the color of the ink. It just looks like faded black. But apparently this is the gold ink cover. You can tell a little better in the second picture where he's got it right next to the original black ink cover.)
-Released in 2003* (sometime after the "Mount Eerie" LP) on K Records (kpunk.com) (KLP142)
*It is worth noting that on the vinyl inner labels, under the K Records logo and number it says "2001/2002", not sure what to make of that. On the test pressing the date 8/28/02 is listed. I am assuming this is a recording date. On the one-sheet that accompanies this test press it lists the release date as January 23rd, 2002. It looks like there's a lot of other interesting info on the one sheet but the pic that's up on eBay isn't that great and it's hard to read.
-IFPI number: 6000 (stamped in the plastic of the CD)
-The CDs were "Made in Canada" as it proclaims both stamped in the plastic and in the silver play-side info.
-No barcode info on the CD or vinyl. (There may have been a barcode sticker on the plastic for the CD, have to try to find out about that. But the vinyl I have for this is in the plastic, and no barcode.) (Also, the play-side of the CD has a barcode printed on it.)
-The vinyl plays at 33 1/3 rpms, both sides.
-There is no insert with the vinyl, all info is given either on the cover or the inner labels.
-The vinyl inner groove info is the standard label stuff (KLP 142 A/B) and then some numbers that I don't know the meaning of (side A: 8107 1 L2, side B: 8107 2 L21)
-Other details of note:
The track titles are listed on the vinyl, but not on the CD.
There is one more track listed on the CD than the vinyl ("The Sun Conclusion") though this track does, in fact, appear on the vinyl as well.
As usual there is a lot of info/numbering on the silver play-side CD info, most of which I have no idea about.
Side A of the vinyl claims that the album is "intended for use as a re-mixing tool by DJ's & home recording enthusiasts". (I'd really like to hear the products of that if anyone too him literally.)
Side B of the vinyl says "version for dancing". (Again, I'd love to experience someone using this as intended.)
The vinyl sleeve opens on top, rather than on the side.
The CDs are in plastic "slim cases", not the normal sized jewel case.
On the vinyl (one supposes, to further the idea of this being some sort of DJ tool) the B.P.M.s of the tracks are listed.
I've seen many times on eBay (as have at least a few of my fellow MEPS members) a white label test pressing for this vinyl (with hand-written labels) for sale for a hefty (850$ I think). It appears to include the original one-sheet that went along with it as well. I have recently been schooled on this (thank you Pantingfish!) This (as well as "The Singing...") is being auctioned for charity by K Records themselves. Ok, ok, I get it now. I am glad this turns out to be a noble endeavor and not some flipper trying to make a buck on Phil's dime.

I can't really say if I think Phil really intended people to dance to this and use it to DJ with. Part of me sees him saying that as a joke and part of me sees him really meaning it. It is certainly the kind of thing I would dream of. I think that my own life has been full of similar ideas and assertions/wishes that were never followed through on by any one.
Considering that one gets used to Phil's percussion obsession, his need to place tiny, lovely songs next to long, unexplained, drums tracks, this album actually makes a decent listen. The songs do kind of stand up on their own as little percussion experiments, especially, the first track.
Tracklist (Vinyl)
Side A
Samba (120 b.p.m.)
the Sun (80 b.p.m.)
Universe (89 b.p.m.)
Universe (90 b.p.m.)
Side B
the Big Black Cloud (100 b.p.m.)
UNIVERSE (27 b.p.m.)
Tracklist (CD)
The Sun
(The Sun Conclusion)
The Big Black Cloud
Hey, the Test Pressing vinyl for Drums is being sold by K records for a charity. Someone on the Preservation forums told me this awhile back. That explains their unrealistic price, they use to have a "Or Best offer" option and I would offer them $20, hoping one day they'd accidentally click yes.
ReplyDeleteahh ok ok that makes so much more sense and is so much less frustrating. thank you for the info, i'm going to update the page.