(CD cover front, back, spine, part of the liner notes/insert pertaining to The Microphones, CD top, CD play-side)
VA-Projector, Another Studio Compilation CD: Wake Me Up
-Recorded at various times and places by various artists*
*The Microphones track was recorded in April, 1999 at Yoyo studios with: Phil Elvrum, Jenn Kleise Erika Jacobs Dennis Driscoll, Khaela Maricich, Forrest Martin, Pat Maley, Alex Neerman, and Jason Powers
-Released October 26, 1999 on Yoyo Recordings (P.O. Box 2462, Olympia, WA 98507, www.yoyoagogo.com) (YOYO-CD12)
-As far as I know this was only available on CD.
-IFPI Number: Appears to have two, L533 on the silver, 9221 on the plastic inner groove. No idea what that could mean.
-Barcode info: 78956601226
-Number produced is anyone's guess. As usual, things like this I might be able to contact the label and find out, stay tuned. Yoyo was a pretty decently sized indie label at that time, in the scheme of Pacific Northwest labels, so I'd guess there were at last a thousand of these. Most likely more.
-It is worth noting that when you put this CD into iTunes some of the track labeling is a little wonky. Nothing important, just random capitol letters or missing spaces between words.
-Of random interest, in the liner notes it lists the Microphones contact info as KNW-YR-OWN 1717 Commercial Ave./Anacortes, WA 98221. The fine folks at that label were the ones responsible for putting out most of Phil's earliest (and, so far, unobtainable) cassette releases.
-This song would appear (same version) on the "Song Islands" CD
-There's a link to a zip of the entire comp. up in the downloads section.
And still continuing with the "Song Islands" theme, here we have the "Projector: Another Studio Compilation" CD from Yoyo Recordings. This is the last, I believe, in a series of really killer comps from Yoyo that I had been following all through the late 90's golden age of indie rock (check 'em out for all kinds of great stuff by all kinds of great people "Throw", "Julep", "Periscope" and so on).
On this one we are treated to, among other gems, The Microphones doing "Wake Me Up", another in the confusing/confounding series of Phil songs revolving around slight variations in the same title, (ie: "Wake Me Up", "Don't Wake Me Up", "I'll Be In The Air", "You Were In The Air" etc...) It's a very pretty and very brooding and funereal song for Phil. There are some strings in the second half that really remind me, years earlier, of "Pyramid Song" by Radiohead (which I, alas, did not sequence this with on the original mix).
I am, again, shamefully unversed in the rest of this comp, but I am sure it is all really quite nice. I can at least attest to the appearance of the band Get The Hell Out Of The Way Of The Volcano, and I really don't know anything about their history other than that there is a really nice Microphones song that gets its namesake from their name and also that that band apparently consists of only Kaelah Maricich also of (the twisting and confusing history of) The Blow and Get The Hell Out Of The Way Of The Wave. These are all, apparently, the same, or very close to the same band, and she also has some close ties to Yacht. All of which I am not going to try to go into here. For the sake of this blog the important part is that she was pretty much a Microphones member/fixture all through the early/middle/elementary school chorus era.
And there it is.
The KG-X The Calender
Get The Hell Out Of The Way Of The Volcano-Bagfull Of Spiders
The Need-American Woman
C Average-The Weirding Way
IQU-Can't You Even Remember That? (Remix)
Mirah-Precious Little Rocket
Dennis Driscoll-I Like It
Lois Maffeo-Shame The Bells
Bluebirdsky-Lovely Loop (Instrumental)
Ashtray Boy-Koala Boy
Little Red Car Wreck-Rip Up The Carpet
Super Duo-Holiday
Rabbit Rabbit-Differential
The Microphones-Wake Me Up
The Drivers-Another Unknown
Eucalyptus-Barely Alive
Nova Scotia-Stop Motion
The Nervous System-This Planet's Mine
Lowdown, The-Saved By God
The Newlyweds-Stole
Loud Machine 0.5-Without You
Rebecca Pearcy-Pomegranate
Unknown Artist-Untitled
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